Selasa, 21 Juni 2011
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Termoregulasi centre on human being of hypothalamus anterior there are three regulator component or compiler of arrangement hot system, that is termoreseptor, hypothalamus, and nerve of eferen and also termoregulasi ( Swenson, 1997). Influence of temperature [at] environment, animal divided to become two faction, that is and poikiloterm of homoiterm. its Temperature body Poikiloterm [is] influenced by environment. compared to higher inner Body temperature [of] external body temperature. Animal like this [is] also referred [as] [by] bloodless animal. And animal of homoiterm [is] often referred [as] [by] quick-tempered animal ( Duke'S, 1985).
[At] animal of homoiterm its temperature more stable, this matter because of existence of reseptor in its brain so that can arrange body temperature. animal of Homoiterm can [do/conduct] aktifitas [at] different ambient temperature effect [of] ability arrange body temperature. animal of Homoiterm have normal temperature variation [of] which influenced by age factor, factor of kelamin, environmental factor, long factor [of] day time and night, consumed food factor and saturated factor [of] digestion of water ( Swenson, 1997).
Quick-Tempered animal [is] animal able to take care of its body temperature, [at] higher constant certain temperatures usually compared to vinicity environment. Some of heat lose to [pass/through] process of radiasi, sweaty which cool body. Through functioning evaporation take care of body temperature [so that/ to be] remain to be constant. quick-tempered Animal example [of] [is] bird nation and mammal, bloodless animal [is] animal which [is] its body temperature about [is] equal to vinicity ambient temperature ( Guyton, 1987).
Body temperature depend on balance balance [among/between] produced heat or diabsorbsi with missing heat. Missing heat can take place by radiasi, convection, evaporation and conduction. Radiasi [is] the transfer of energi electromagneticly, [do] not need medium to creep with velocity of light. Conduction represent the transfer of heat directly [among/between] two solid items
Duke, NH. 1995. The Physiology of Domestic Animal. Comstock Publishing: New York.
Frandson, RD. 1992. Anatomi dan Fisiologi Ternak Edisi IV. Gadjah Mada University Press:Yogyakarta.
Godman, Arthur. 1987. Kamus Sains Bergambar. PT. Gramedia : Jakarta.
Guyton, D.C. 1993. Fisiologi Hewan, edisi 2. EGC. Jakarta.
Martini. 1998. Fundamental of Anatomy and Physiology 4th ed.. Prentice Hall International Inc., New Jersey
Swenson, GM. 1997. Dules Physiology or Domestic Animals. Publishing Co. Inc : USA.
Willamson. G. W. J. A Payne.1993. Pengantar Peternakan Didaerah Tropis. Jakarta
Diterbitkan di: Juni 07, 2009
Daftar Pustaka: Termoregulasi PADA HEWAN oleh agus 2009
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